RE:defined Physiotherapy

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What We Provide

Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur offers a variety of physiotherapy services, including sport rehab, manual therapy, dry needling, exercise therapy and electrotherapy. Our expert physiotherapists provide personalized care to help you recover and improve your physical health.

Sport rehab - Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)
Sport rehab - Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)

Sport Rehab

Sports rehabilitation, also known as sport rehab, is a type of physiotherapy therapy that focuses on the treatment and prevention of sports-related injuries. Sport rehab aims to help athletes recover from injuries and return to their previous level of activity as quickly and safely as possible. This may involve a combination of therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, and other modalities, such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation. Sport rehab is an essential component of the treatment and prevention of sports-related injuries. The following problems can be solved by Sport Rehab:

Problems: Sprains and strain, tendinitis, ligament injuries, post-surgical rehabilitation, fractures & etc.

Manual therapy-Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a form of physiotherapy treatment that involves the use of hands-on techniques to help improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and increase range of motion. It is often used to treat musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, and joint problems. Manual therapy is often used in combination with other forms of physical therapy, such as exercise and stretching, to help improve overall function and reduce pain. It is typically performed by a trained and licensed physical therapist or chiropractor, who will tailor the treatment to the individual needs of each patient. The following problems can be solved by Manual Therapy:

Problems: Back pain, neck pain, joint problem, headaches, sport injuries, postural problem & etc.

Manual therapy-Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)
Dry needling- Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)
Dry needling- Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a form of physiotherapy treatment that involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into the skin and underlying tissues to alleviate pain and improve physical function. The needles used in dry needling are similar to those used in acupuncture, but the techniques and underlying theories are different. The goal of dry needling is to release trigger points, or areas of tightness and tenderness in the muscles and surrounding tissues. These trigger points can cause pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. The following problems can be solved by Dry Needling:

Problems: Muscle pain and tension, chronic pain, headaches, sport injuries, joint pain and stiffness & etc.

Exercise therapy-Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)

Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy is a type of physiotherapy treatment that involves the use of targeted exercises and movement to help individuals recover from injuries or manage chronic conditions. Exercise therapy may involve a variety of exercises and activities, including stretching, strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and balance training. It may also incorporate other forms of therapy, such as manual therapy or massage, to further enhance the benefits of treatment. The following problems can be solved by Exercise Therapy:

Problems: Arthritis, stroke, sport injuries, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease & etc.

Exercise therapy-Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)
Electrotherapy-Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)
Electrotherapy-Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur (Physiotherapy)


Electrotherapy is a form of physiotherapy treatment that uses electrical stimulation to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. The electrical stimulation is delivered through electrodes placed on the skin or directly into the tissues. Electrotherapy is a safe and effective treatment option for individuals dealing with a wide range of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. The following problems can be solved by Electrotherapy:

Problems: Pain, sport injuries, nerve damage, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle weakness and atrophy & etc.

Our Patients' Feedback

Read our patients’ feedbacks on their physiotherapy experiences at Redefined Physio in Kuala Lumpur. Read more reviews here: Google Reviews

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